Axum the extensive ruins of which can still be seen was an important city. Its buildings included impressive stone palaces and temples. Its rulers put up the famous stele cut out from a monolithic stones, stone inscriptions written mainly in Greek, sabean and ge’ez narrates about the king’s campaign and victories. Agriculture, Artifacts and trade especially with Arabia, Egypt and India was the main source of income exporting ivory, incense, gold, animal skin and precious stone. Importing cotton cloth, glassware, raw metals and manufactured goods like sword and axe. There minted gold, silver and bronze coins produced by axumite kings around 250 AD.
King remhai, king bazen, queen saba ,king Ezana,king kaleb and king g/meskel are few from from axumite rulers.
The axumite civilization is few discovered (10 percent only) by archeologists, the first expedition carried out by the German archeologists in 1906 later French and british archeologists unearthed many stone buildings, its reservoirs ,tombs stele, and stone inscriptions.
It was during axumite period both Christianity and Islamic religious introduced to Ethiopia in the 4thand 7th c.
Axum is still housing the original arc of the covenant at Axum Zion church.
Other Destinations
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Bahir Dar
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